Saturday, July 11, 2009


This month is just flying by already.
We have so much sprouting right now. So far we have had Pea Pods, Snow Peas, Spinach, Radishes, arugula, merlot lettuce, butter lettuce, oak lettuce, bibb, a little bit of cauliflower and my fav.... red skin potatoes! And this is just the beginning-Wow-
We have sent Newsletters with every pick up that Andrea has worked hard on. Please give us your comments on the recipes we have been sending. Love to hear feedbacks and don't forget this is where we would like "your" recipes.
If anyone would like to have a Weed & Feed, please let us know. We are thinking about having one but only one share holder has said they would be interested.
A Weed & Feed would be having the shareholders (you), bring a dish to pass and weed part of the garden. We (the farmers) will be cooking something on the grill and also helping out in the garden. This would be a saturday or possible a sunday afternoon for a few hours in August.
Let us know-
Have a great month and chat with you all when we see you at pick up.

Karen :->>>


  1. Hi Karen, Is there anyway we can post pics too? I wanted to post some of the yummy recipes I have been making with food we have gotten.


  2. I have them in my blog

  3. Please post them on here for all our share holders to see different recipes-That's exactly what we want. Always looking for different ways to cook up these wonderful veggies!! Andera may possible use them on our next newsletter too.
    Thanks Tracie :->>>>

  4. I am not seeing an option to post photos. I am interested in the Weed & Feed also

  5. I think I am the only one able to put pics on. If you would like to e-mail them to me and I can put it on here for you-that may be the only way possible.(as far as I can see)
    We will add you to the list of YES for the "Feed and Weed". Thank you for your interest!


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